With imagination, we’ll get there

Keana’s imagination lately has been hilarious. Yesterday we were at the park across the street and the whole time she was in the swing she kept saying, “Scary monster in the house” looking towards the corner of the park at a shed in someone’s backyard. She kept saying it over and over not taking her eyes off the shed but not looking scared either—just very matter-of-fact.

“Oh, there’s a scary monster in there, huh?” I said.

“Yeah. And the cat’s knocking on the door,” she replies.

I started to get a little weirded out. Some grown-ass man I am.

“The cat’s knocking on the door but scary monster’s snoring,” she says.

“Oh, so the scary monster can’t hear the cat knocking because he’s snoring so loud?” I ask.


And she kept saying it over and over, eventually switching scary monster to scary lion, but the cat was still knocking on the door.

When I told Sarah this she told about a similar situation last week when Keana looked up and saw the smoke detector on the ceiling and said, “Elephants on the ceiling.” Sarah asked about it and she replied, “Yeah, elephants with water in their nose.” Keana went on to elaborate in great detail but Sarah wasn’t able to follow all the ins-and-outs of the whole story. Sarah also became a little weirded out at how detailed and elaborate Keana’s story was. Her stories are so detailed and strange that they almost seem real and you begin to wonder if you aren’t missing something completely.

I think we’re going to cut back on Dr. Seuss for a while.