Silly baby

One thing I don’t get about babies is this: if they eat when they’re hungry, and they poo or pee whenever the hell they have to, then why don’t they sleep when they’re tired?! Maia has been a great little sleeper in general—and I remember thinking this with Keana—but when she gets “over tired”, she refuses to go to sleep peacefully. She’ll fuss and scream and cry, all the while barely being able to hold her head up or keep her eyes open. And of course she’s only content in Sarah’s arms when she gets to this point. And by this point, usually, Sarah’s been dealing with her all day and needs a break.

It’s tricky too because what worked one day sometimes won’t work the next. That’s where the frustration comes in. One night you’re able to gently rock her to sleep to a little background noise, and the next you’re practically jumping up and down singing some song over and over and over (the latter being okay if you like the song and you’re down with an aerobic workout at 9, 10, 11 o’clock at night).

Last night was one such night. After trying and trying, Sarah finally passed Maia off to me. I tried gently bouncing her on the ball with the TV as background noise and she wasn’t having it. So I took her in the bedroom, turned off the main light and turned on the bathroom light, and went to work. (Maia prefers a little bit of light when falling asleep.) I sang, “Go to Sleep Little Baby…” over and over and over while smoothly springing up and down, back and forth. I did this till my thighs burned, sweat poured, and I was almost too out of breath to sing anymore. From time to time I glanced down and saw her fighting to stay awake, but she finally gave way to the great sleeping machine called Papa. She was so beautiful and peaceful sleeping in my arms, which I enjoyed for a minute before sweat got in my eyes and I realized my back and arms were killing me. It may be hell getting the little ones to sleep at times, but when you see them with eyes closed and their little minds drifting out of this world, it really makes it all worth it (…but babies are still silly).