Good work little baby

I’ve been needing to write about all the good work little Miss Maia has been doing:

At about five months (around April 2008), Maia started saying “mama”. This of course makes sense she’s always been a mama’s girl. And at first we asked ourselves if we were hearing things or just being eager, proud parents, but indeed she was using “mama” to gets Sarah’s attention or to ask for Sarah when she was upset. It was especially clear when Sarah was gone and Maia would sadly but clearly say, “Ma-ma! Ma-ma!” In the last three weeks Maia’s added a slightly different version that’s almost “papa”.

In the last two months she’s really started to squeal and experiment with her volume as well, often screaming out uncontrollably then looking up at us smiling. Hilarious. And although this isn’t necessarily in the “talking” category, Maia has really become a laugher. At first she was our serious little baby but in the last month Maia’s sense of humor has really blossomed. Her smile is amazing and her laugh just makes your heart melt. She’s also started to smile more with people she doesn’t know as well and it’s really cute when she smiles sheepishly and then melts back into your chest shyly. And for the record, I think she’s going to be a full-tooth smiler like her big sister and papa.

Maia has always been squirrelly and strong, right from her first hours, and we’ve coined the name Action Baby for her. She still loves to jump and jump while being held and rarely sits still on your lap or in your arms. She loves bath time and of course, jumping in the water. Sometimes she jumps so vigorously that she splashes the water everywhere and Keana, who’s carefully playing some flavor of make-believe with her toys, gets upset and shouts, “Hey Maia, stop splashing!”. Maia also can’t stay leaning back. No matter where she is, she wants to be sitting upright. No relaxing for this girl. Which definitely led to her latest big breakthrough of sitting up by herself. Three weeks ago she started sitting up on her own and again, our lives are changed forever. Sitting up on her own allows her to entertain herself better and allows Sarah to have a little break to do house stuff or play with Keana. Of course being more autonomous has its perils. Keana loves playing with Maia which sometimes includes pushing Maia over and tackling her. We’re really trying not to be overbearing parents, but Maia is still a little helpless. I definitely try and take cues from Maia and if she’s laughing and smiling at Keana, I fight off my papa bear. Keana is still learning the boundaries of playing safely with Maia, but she’ll get there. Oh, and recently, about three weeks ago, Maia waved and has been waving hello ever since (not so much good-bye yet).

Bottom Line
Maia is progressing like a champ and is definitely doing her thing for Team Hokama. Keana has set the bar high but little Mai Mai is having no trouble reaching it.