
Hey Little Baby,

Last Friday (June 11) was Keana’s last day of preschool and as it is with all big events (you’ll see), I think she was sad to see it come to end, but excited about the possibilities of kindergarten. There wasn’t a ceremony or anything, which was fine with us, but we went out to sushi as it is your sisters’ favorite meal out. Unfortunately, the next day, she got a cold and is still getting over it, and of course, Maia has it now too.

We continue to prepare for your great entrance into the world though. On Saturday Grandma Jennie came over and helped out with the not-so-fun chores. She cleaned the kitchen, organized Keana’s room, and swept/cleaned our bedroom floor. It was really a big help and I actually got to sleep in for the first time in recent (and not-so-recent) memory. I took your sisters to the park when I woke up and we had a lot of fun swinging, sliding (they had to ride on my lap because the slide was already too hot), playing soccer (sort of), hacking sacking (sort of), and playing in the little river there. The water kind of freaks me out because of parasites and what not, but I think it’s chlorinated. Keana and Maia are so well behaved that it seems like they are often dumbfounded by the other children running around and behaving like wild animals. They just watch and observe as if they’ve never seen it before. Don’t get me wrong, I think kids should have fun, but if you’re three or four I think it’s okay to use words in your interactions, rather than just grunting, hitting, and splashing. Anyway, it was fun and by the time it hit 90, we were definitely tuckered out.

Sunday your Mama and I got some good time together (thanks again Grandma Jennie), and we talked about how we’re feeling, waiting for your arrival, and things we were trying to be aware of and enjoy as our time as a Quadripod draws to a close. I’ve been continuing to work as well, trying to wrap up all my duties so I can take those six weeks off without worrying about my work falling apart in my absence (of course it never would, just saying). We’ve been emptying and filling the birth tub, using it for an indoor hot tub, and working out its kinks. We have to drain the air out of the pump pretty frequently or the heater stops working, but don’t worry, I think I got it all figured out. Of course, you’re floating warm and peaceful in there, and when the time comes, I’m sure the temperature of the tub will the be last thing on your mind.

We also met with Jacque today and your heart sounds nice and strong and your head is in a good position. You really responded to her checking you out today, moving quite vigorously and I can already tell you got that Hokama fire. How could you not though, right? Mama’s going to try and do some hands and knees several times a day to encourage you to rotate a little, but we trust you’ll be in a good position when the time comes. Everything happens for a reason, no matter the difficulty, and we’ll just keep breathing, nice and easy, until you’re ready for the outside world.
