Tag Archives: Father’s Day

An amazing Father’s Day

Sunday was a superb Father’s Day. As usual I woke up with Keana around 6:45 a.m. and hung out, sleepily, with her downstairs, to allow Sarah and Maia a little extra sleep time. Sarah and Maia woke up around 7:30 though, and as my first special treat, I got to sleep an extra hour until about 8:30 while the ladies worked on breakfast. The dad’s day morning grub consisted of Belgium waffles with fresh raspberries/strawberries, homemade whipped cream, and maple-pecan sausage. Good stuff. We lounged around a bit and then headed out to the garage for gifts. Keana couldn’t contain the secret all week, so I actually knew what I was getting, but nonetheless, I was still really excited. Underneath a blanket in the garage was a brand new Weber barbecue! I’m old school and like my barbecues simple, no gas, no frills, so this was perfect. Plus it came with a handy bucket that attaches to the bottom to catch the ash and embers—rather than an open tray where everything just falls out—sometimes on the ground- so it’s actually safer, which, with two kids…why not, right? My chimney had also rusted through, so I got a new one of those and some leather barbecue gloves which are awesome. It was the perfect Father’s Day gift for me.

We grabbed some burgers for lunch and had a fabulous nap-time. Woke up, fired up the new barbecue, and grilled some New York steaks, accompanied by green bean bundles wrapped in bacon and mashed potatoes. We followed it all up with berry cobbler and vanilla ice-cream. Sarah did an amazing job planning the menu for the day and admitted that she had thought about just having meat dishes all day, which would have been great, but green beans wrapped in bacon aren’t bad either!

At the end of the day, after we put Keana to bed and as Maia went to sleep nursing, I thought about what a lucky man I am to have a beautiful wife that works as hard as Sarah does, who knows me so well and takes the time and energy to honor what I do for the family. And of course what amazing, smart, funny, beautiful girls we have in our lives, making the day what it was- a fun, special, and unforgettable Father’s Day.