To my unborn child

You are getting quite big in there Little One. You’re big enough now that we can see your every move from the outside. Oh, and we were wondering, do you actually play with Mama’s organs and stuff cause you’re bored, or does it just feel like that to Mama? I remember with your big sister Keana, my first time seeing the pregnancy process, I was constantly reminded of the movie Alien, and watching you reminds me of this amazing, foreign feeling I had. Don’t worry, I don’t think you’re an alien or scary or anything, it’s just amazing to see the movements of another human inside another human. Last Friday night I watched you for almost ten minutes, just amazed at the physical prowess you already have. And although I’m tempted to always feel what’s going on from the outside, I know it gets you riled up, so I’ve been trying to keep my curiosity in check.

I thought you’d like to know what’s going on in the upcoming weeks before you’re born so you can hit the ground running here with Team Hokama when you finally make it out. You should know that although we’ve been quite busy with your sisters, we think about how amazing you are every day. Your mama is starting to really feel how big you are, but it’s not your fault, it’s just the way things are. The last week of April we had a brief scare because there was a tiny amount of blood after Mama went to the gym, but it stopped, she rested, and nothing came of it. Turns out it’s a small infection that we’ll get some medicine for soon. Then when I was gone for another work trip in Berkeley, on April 8, your mama was nauseous and had blurred peripheral vision. Again, we were worried but she had just had some blood drawn, so that was probably it. Other than a couple little things like that though, your voyage has been smooth sailing (as far as we can tell from out here). We just ordered some shots of B-12 and folic acid, so you should be feeling a little boost in there soon. I’ll warn you before it happens, though, don’t worry. You’ll like it.

You should know that Keana and Maia have been having a blast with each other lately, so their team dynamic will be a strong one to support you when you come out. Just a couple days ago, when Maia woke up, Keana exclaimed, “Oh Maia! I missed you. Can I have a hug?” and Maia came and gave her a little hug. Then a minute later Keana says, “Can I have another hug Maia? That one wasn’t big enough.” You’re going to be glad you have such sweet sisters. Of course, it’s not all lovey-dovey out here as you’ve probably heard. Maia has been quite the spit-fire lately. Recently she was really upset about not getting something off the fridge, and Keana and I thought she wanted one of the pictures. So we pulled it off and asked if she wanted it. She screamed, “Nooooo!”, grabbed the picture, threw it on the floor, and stomped on it with her feet while staring me down. Fierce. So watch out for that; she’s still working on her communication skills. (Though I guess that goes for all of us out here.)

Anyway, you’ve probably already noticed, but we’re starting to do prenatals with Dr. Kopascz every other week and will be meeting with Jacque the midwife every week starting in two weeks. With you we’re doing concurrent care with an OB and a midwife, which is new territory for us. It’s just the way Jacque likes to do things, so there you go. Hope you haven’t minded the ultrasounds. You’ll be happy to know we’ve refused most of them on your behalf and there will definitely not be any more.

So that’s the gist of it. It’s time to really start preparing for your great arrival, as a family and individually, so I’ll try and give you an update every week. Oh, and this weekend I’ll see about those Team Hokama sweat/wrist bands for The Great Event. After all, this may be the last time we can rally with the legit Team Hokama birth gear.
