Tag Archives: traditions

Where, O Death, is Thy Sting?

The last couple weekends have pushed our family to look at death (again). Two Fridays ago we were on the road to Santa Monica to bury my grandma (on my dad’s side), and of course this weekend was Easter weekend. The two experiences, though pretty different, have very common threads. Some questions that have been (re)raised for us that I think apply to both: How do we talk about death? What’s appropriate behavior around death for our family? Is there room for joy and celebration when people die? What do we believe happens to us after we die? What are the family traditions associated with each event?

The thing I love about having kids is that everything with them is an opportunity to explore, question, and have fun. And yes, funerals are fair game. I’m thankful that Sarah and I are able to see that for our own family, and we try to allow the kids to ask whatever they need to ask, give them honest, straight-forward answers, and when needed, gently instruct them on what most people consider appropriate behavior. So even though we headed to LA to grieve, we were also excited about seeing family and enjoying some time by the coast. This context is helpful, especially if you were to hear them shout out excitedly, “We’re going to Nana’s funeral in LA!”

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